The cover photo is taken for the photo-shoot with tobacco as an addiction. The masthead I decided to put at the bottom of the cover instead of on top as it was planned from the beginning and I put the masthead in a white color instead of black so that you would be able to see it more clear. The issue number is in the color green because that’s the color that will follow throughout the rest of the magazine. The photo cred is positioned at the side of the cover to give more space for the actual photo.
The table of contents is almost as i planned it, it has the photos on the left side with the photos kind of overlapping each other with the quote in the blank space in the middle with the article titles on top of the photos since the titles are relating with the photos. On the right side there is a photo covering the whole right page with the article title " take another hit" which is another article that the viewers can see on pages 34-40.
On the double spread I put a picture of all three of the models together with the title "Money on my mind" which is the first article in the magazine. In the bottom of the right side there is a square with information about tobacco, alcohol and also drugs and who they usually affect, what sort of people that actually falls for addictions. That text is written in blue that macthes one of the models hair with a black outline.
For the backcover I decided to use another photo from the photo-shoot had for the addictions. The backcover also has two helplines in the UK for addictions such as alcohol and tobacco. There is a also a website with proffesionals that could give advice if there is a need to talk to someone and I also wrote what the process is going to be if you decied to get help.