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Writer's pictureelindofeldt

How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues

Updated: Apr 30, 2019

I decied to make a podcast episode where I explain this question more detalied and with more of my point of veiw when it comes to what I think of this magazine. Here is the link for the episode, enjoy:

1. The magazine I have created is called Cash Kids, its is a magazine that addresses one of the big issues when it comes to teenagers, Addiction. And i feel like it both uses and challenges conventions since it does not have all the necessary elements for a magazine and it is mostly focusing on one topic. The topics addressed in this magazine are addictions Alcohol and Tobacco since i think these two are the once that teeangers might be dealing with the most. The style of this magazine is pretty simple with dark colors and shades to it, with a few colorful texts.

The cover of the magazine is a close up of the model holding a cigarette next to her face. , The model is wearing darker clothes with red. Since the background of the cover is darker , almost black the colors of the shirt helps to bring out the model.The model is not wearing a lot of makeup which give the cover a more simple look to it. On the side of the cover there is a “photo-cred to” written in white.The issue number is placed under the masthead on the right side.

The masthead of the magazine, Cash Kids is written in a very unique font which makes it look almost hand written since the contours of the letters are not strict lines, since it gives an impression that its handwritten and unique, the audiences might think that it a teenager that made it which could also help wih getting the audiences attention since they think that they can relate. The masthead itself doesnt necessary have something special to do with the addictions but since it looks handmade and artistic the audience can relate in someway.

Table of contents, is taking place over two pages, on the right side there are three photos. The first one is positioned up in the left corner, under it there is another picture placed a bit above the other one and the third one is placed in the bottom on the page also positioned to the left. The photos are put together like a C so there is some space in the middle of the page. In that space there is a quote “Addiction: when you can stop you don't want to and when you want to you can't.” written in red. The title articles are written on top of the all the photos in white with a green outline. On the right side there is a big picture that takes up the whole page with a model holding a pack of cigarettes with the the title article, “ take another hit” written big in white and under it the page number is written also in white with green outline.

The double spread, is a picture that is placed over the whole page, in the pictures the 3 models are sitting on a bench, all of the dressed in their own style of clothes and holding a cigarette. This page is for the article “money on my mind”, this is written in green. On the right side of the double spread there is a text talking about addictions that teengers face and the consequences of them written in white with a shade column over it.

All the pictures goes in the same “theme”, dark colors with colorful clothes with a bit of shade to the photos which makes them look more deep.


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