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Writer's pictureelindofeldt

Magazine Analysis

I have decided to analyse 3 magazines (PeachT Magzine, BQ1- psychology and Mad Sound) I found these magazines on the web page that my Media Studies teacher recommended me. The magazines, goes in the categories: Fashion and psychology.

PeachT, spring 17 summer:

Masthead: The unique Masthead used saying, 'PeachT' is very eye-catching. The font and the bright neon pink color go very well with the background. The neon colored underline helps with attracting the eyes towards the magazine. Its is the logo of the magazine and thanks to the bright and attracting colors the readers will more likely remember the magazine just because it stands out. The masthead is also placed in the middle of the main page.

Main Page: In this magazine the model takes up a big amount of the page. The model is standing in a very natural environment, outside a grocery shop, in the shadow. She is dressed in natural colors such as white, brown and grey which makes the Masthead stand out with the neon colors and attracts the audience toward it instead of the background.

Table Of Contents: It is laid out on one page with the publishing date at the bottom of the page. The layout is set out in a grid format with 16 pictures that shows the models. The page number is situated under the picture, which follows with the name of the model there are 34 pages in this magazine. The Masthead of the magazine is also present on the table of content, in the colors orange and some pink with red tones. The background goes in the same colors as the Masthead does on this page.

Double Spread: The double spread that I have chosen has a white basic background. It doesn’t have a headline but the introductory paragraph is in the layout square and it is filled in with orange color. The body is written in black, which looks good with the white background. In this double spread they want to present fashion, there are animate sort of dolls that are dressed in orange/yellow, white and black costumes and in both left and right corner there are pictures of the actual clothes on the model. The spread is very basic when it comes to the colors chosen for the magazine but it still looks unique because of the ”animated ” doll that represents the clothing.

Mad Sounds, Fall/Winter 2018

Masthead: The masthead in this magazine says ” Mad Sound”, and it is put above the models head in white. Some parts of the masthead melt in with the background of the sky and the palm trees.

Tag line: Is put under the masthead also in the color white and it says ” a publication for the young and daring”. With help of this tag line we know that the target audience is teenagers mostly.

Main Image: The main image is of a model sitting in a park with a snake patterned jacket and grey pants. Her outfit’s goes well with the background, which in this case is grass, palm trees and the sky. Since her clothes are in natural colors and the background that is blurred out is in green it helps the reader focus on the model and it makes her attract the attention.

Table Of Contents: The table of content is put out on two pages (double spread) with a picture of the model Sude Brook and the actual table of contents is placed on left side, written in white as well as the Masthead.

There are two columns; one with the introduction and under it says the page number and who wrote it. Then there is the other column with the features and under the headline it says the model that was featured in the magazine and the page the model appears on.

Double spread: On the left side, its the same picture of the model that was featured in the masthead, instead of the title of the magazine, in the left corner written really small you can see the name of the photographer and the model and their names on the social media platform, Instagram.

On the right side of the double spread, the title of the page is ” the self – made issuu. On top of the title there is number of the magazine,, 29. Under the title there is a picture of the model again with the name of the model and the photographer. There is a peace of text under the picture, where the author wrote about this edition of the magazine.

In this magazine there are not a lot of text, most of the double spreads are just pictures with the models and only a few of them has text and interviews.

Issuu 1- BQ1- psychology

Masthead: The masthead is written in mostly white small letters except the ’b ’ after the first word, it is written in a clear red color.

Main image: This magazine does not have a main image, such as a picture of for example a model. The background of the cover is just black; therefor it helps the ’b’ written in red stand out.

Date line: In this magazine the date line is not present on the main cover, present on the third page. It was published in September 2017.

Table of content: since the magazines on issuu are in online format, the table of content is a bit different. Instead of it being in the magazine it is put under the magazine on the web page. It still says the title of the content present on each page and the page number.. The editor letter is present in the magazine 4 pages after the cover and its written in white with purple background.

Double spread: The text is put on the right side of the page in small letters written in black because the background is white. The title of the small article is ’Sweet Dreams Are Made Of These’. The part with *sweet dreams are’, is written in white while the rest of it is written in purple. There is a picture covering more than half the page. In the picture there is a women with red hair point upwards dressed in a colorful dress holding a tea can. She is standing on a something that resembles a chessboard and on her right side there is a flamingo and a angel. The pictures looks very mysterious and fairytale like just because of the dark colors present in the photo, i would say that it is supposed to resemble a dream.

The person that made the photo is given credit to in the left corner and the person that wrote the text is given credit to on the right side under the text.

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