These are some of the photos that I have taken during this year, that i think fit in to these different elements of composition.
1. The first picture that i chose to include, I took this fall when I was visiting Stockholm during the weekend. This picture i would say goes in the category framing just because its its dark on the sides and the windo helps with framing the water and the trees on the otherside of the river. The black and white helps with the depth of the photo.
2. The second picture that i would like to include i would put in the category reflection. Since you can see the reflection of the trees and some of the buildings in outside of the open window.
3. The third picture that i chose to use is also taken in Stockholm and it goes in the catagory repetition and patterns. This photo is pretty self explanatiory, since some windows are open while others are coveres up, not fully but a bit.
4. The fourth picture I took during my Work Experience period this summer and it fits in to the category lines with the pencils alligned in a circle form and since the pencils are straight you can see the lines. The picture itself doesnt really have a meaning since it was just composed to see the compositions more clear.
5. The fifth picture i chose to include i would say goes in two categories , both color and movement. This picture is taken during the evening at a music festival. Thanks to the evening, it is a bit darker which makes it easier to see the shadows from the swing.